What is the long-range transit plan (LRTP)?

A long-range transit plan is a document that outlines an agency’s transportation goals and policies, and it is used as an overarching guide on how to implement them over 20 years or more. An LRTP helps an agency meet current mobility needs and helps plan so that the future needs of the region's residents are met.

Why does BFT need an LRTP?

BFT provides services to approximately 9,400 people daily, and as the community keeps growing, BFT understands that it will need a system that can continue to provide high-quality public transportation to our growing community. BFT recognizes that the current transit services must grow between now and 2045, and to prepare for this future growth, BFT is developing the LRTP to efficiently build on the agency’s existing network. This guiding document will identify community priorities, help BFT adapt current services and introduce new types of service, and will support BFT's efforts to strengthen local connections and connections to other neighboring transit options.

How is the community involved?

Your input will shape the plan. By sharing your needs and priorities, you will provide key information that helps us develop the LRTP. BFT needs to hear from everyone who lives in our service area, especially riders who primarily use public transportation to get where they need to go. We hope to learn what the community values most about BFT, what you hope for the future of BFT, and the unmet transportation needs that you want to see BFT solve. We will consider your feedback as we build the Plan for the future of transit in our community.

History of Ben Franklin Transit

From the beginning of BFT through today
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    May 1981: The Beginning

    BFT was formed May 11, 1981, when the voters in the service area voted to support a public transit tax. and Ben Franklin Transit, a municipal corporation, was born. BFT began providing fixed-route services.

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    January 1982: Dial-A-Ride

    The Dial-A-Ride system was started January 1, 1982, through a contract with the Benton Franklin Developmental Center. BFT assumed the operation of the Dial-A-Ride system January 1, 1985.

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    September 1982: Vanpool

    Our area's vanpool service began in September of 1982, under a contract with the Benton-Franklin Council of Governments. BFT took over Vanpool operations on January 1, 1984.

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    November 1997: Benton City & Prosser Expansion

    BFT services expanded to Benton City and Prosser when those areas became part of the Benton Franklin Public Transportation Benefit Area.

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    April 2005: Finley Expansion

    BFT expanded service to Finley when that area was added to the Benton Franklin Public Transportation Benefit Area.

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    September 2017: Comprehensive Service Plan Study

    The study resulted in increases in service frequency and service coverage and the streamlining of routes.

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    2019: Local Taxi Partner Out of Business

    BFT's local taxi partner - that provided feeder and night service - went out of business, resulting in several changes to BFT service in the following years.

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    2020: BFT Extends Fixed Route Services Into Evening

    To fill the gap created by the disappearance of the night taxi service, BFT extended fixed route services until 10pm. BFT continues to see ridership growth during these late evening hours.

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    April 2020: BFT CONNECT

    BFT added on-demand rideshare services, making it easier and more affordable to connect to the bus network and travel within BFT’s service area for people living far from a fixed route.

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    June 2021: METRO Fixed Routes

    Frequent service (15 minute) routes are added across Pasco, Kennewick, and Richland.

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    August 2021: BFT Introduces Sunday Service

    BFT introduces Sunday services on 5 fixed routes, eventually expanding to 7 routes.

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    June 2024: Long Range Transit Plan

    BFT begins to develop the LRTP to prepare for future service area growth within the next 20 years.

Ben Franklin Transit's Services

Ben Franklin Transit offers public transportation services throughout the Tri-Cities area in Washington State. For more information on these services, please click the links below.

Fixed route - BFT offers services along 18 fixed routes Monday-Saturday and along 7 fixed routes on Sunday. (Map of BFT's Fixed Route Service)

Dial-A-Ride - BFT's Dial-A-Ride service provides door-to-door for eligible passengers whose disability prevent them from being able to use the fixed route services. Dial-A-Ride is available through BFT's full service area.

CONNECT - BFT's on-demand CONNECT service is offered in 6 zones. Riders can travel within the zones and connect to the fixed route services. (Map of BFT's CONNECT Zone Boundaries and Allowed Pick-up and Drop-off Locations)

Prosser/Benton City general demand service - Riders in the Prosser and Benton City areas can call ahead to reserve a trip to and from designated points in the service area. (Map of Pick-up and Drop-off Locations for BFT's General Demand Service in Prosser & Benton City)

Vanpool - BFT provides driver training, vehicles, and vehicle maintenance to help reduce the cost of your commute.

Map of BFT's Service Boundaries and Fixed Route Services

A map of the boundaries for BFT CONNECT, paratransit, and General Demand services and the fixed route services

Fixed routes and service boundaries for services provided by Ben Franklin Transit.